AAAI Press Proceedings Submission

Camera ready versions of Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society (AIES-24) accepted papers will be processed through the AIES proceedings submission system at

Our editorial staff will ensure that your AIES paper satisfies several guidelines such as proceedings uniformity, PDF/A standardization, rich metadata and DOI registration/assignment, all while ensuring a high quality of the final outcome.

Accepted papers' contact authors must login at and fulfill a series of steps per accepted paper before their deadline date. The steps are as follows:

Copyright Agreement

AIES must acquire proper copyright on your paper to publish it. The contact author must download the copyright assignment form and fill, print, sign, scan it and upload it in this step.

Paper Upload

Authors will have to upload the camera-ready PDF of their paper. The AIES proceedings system will then perform some automatic validations, convert the PDF to a PDF/A compliant one, and inform the user if it detects any anomaly.

The paper must follow the formatting guidelines specified in the AAAI Press Author's Kit help package. Please use the included LaTeX/Word templates or make sure to adapt your sources to follow the same style.

Paper Sources

AIES also requires authors to upload the sources used to build the paper. The accepted formats are LaTeX or MS Word.

LaTeX sources will be uploaded as single .zip package containing all source files, figures and necessary style files. The package should contain everything necessary to build the camera-ready PDF, and should compile once unarchived, without having to update any file routes nor hardcoded information in the sources.

MS Word files can be uploaded in .docx format, following the template included in the AAAI Press Author's Kit help package.


We require the authors validate the metadata that was initially provided during the peer-review submission. The metadata collected here will be used to fill your PDF's metadata as well as to register a DOI for your paper. Notice that most search engines and archives use that metadata to find and index papers: proper formatting and information here will help make your paper more visible!

Paper Submission

Once all required information is filled in, you will be able to submit your paper for review. At this point, our editorial staff will review your paper to ensure that all information is correct, your paper looks great and that the PDF can be properly visualized on most devices.

Editorial Feedback

After our editors have finished reviewing your paper, you will receive and e-mail with the review feedback. At this point it may be necessary for you to make some amendments to improve its presentation quality and/or fit within AIES 2024's proceedings.

Submission Finished

At this point your paper is ready for publication. Congratulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can my paper be?

That depends on the track where your paper is to appear. The following table shows length limits for each track:

AIES 2024 Maximum paper length
Full papers
10 pages
For: Content
1 page
For: Ethical considerations statement, researcher positionality statement, and adverse impact statement.
For: References
Extended abstracts
1 page
For: Content and references

I want to add/remove/replace an author. How can I do so?

Any author changes requires approval. Contact us at explaining what changes you want to make and why (do not forget to include your paper's number).

Is it possible to correct misspelled author names?

Yes, contact us at and we will fix any misspellings. Do not forget to tell us your paper number and the corrections required!

Is it possible to update the paper title?

Title changes require approval from the chairs. Contact us at and we will process the change. Do not forget to tell us your paper number!

How do I submit the supplementary material?

Supplementary material is not included in AAAI's proceedings, so you don't have to submit it at this time. If you want to reference supplementary material in your paper, our suggestions are:

  • For technical appendices, produce a version of the paper that includes all technical appendices and upload it to a paper repository (e.g.: arXiv). You can then reference that version in the AAAI paper. If you do this, we ask that you update the extended version once the proceedings are published to link back from that version to the final AAAI one.
  • For multimedia apendices. We discourage referencing multimedia appendices in the camera-ready versions of the papers.
  • For code & data appendices, we suggest that you publish your code through a code hosting service / archival site (e.g: Github, Zenodo, Dataverse). You can then add a footnote and/or reference pointing readers there.

Where I can find the style guidelines for my paper?

See the "paper upload" and "paper sources" sections above.

What are the requirements to access to the proceedings system?

You need a modern browser with javascript enabled. The system has been thoroughly tested with both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

My question is not answered here, what should I do?

Mail us at and we will be glad to help any way we can.